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terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2024

Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT - Music - English Version


Billie Eilish released her new album on May 17, 2024. It was highly anticipated by her fans and me, as I fell in love with her first album - "When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" which is a masterpiece!

Her brother Finneas, who is also her producer, manages to convey a deep essence in everything he creates with her, and since he was also the producer of "HIT ME HARD AND SOFT," my expectations were high.

I want to highlight that Billie Eilish won another Grammy with the song from the movie "Barbie": "What Was I Made For?", which made me cry at the end of the film. It was a wonderful movie, by the way.

With all these factors in mind, the first time I listened to "HIT ME HARD AND SOFT" was while waiting for the train with my headphones on, and it was a very interesting experience. Did I like it or not? I'm going to tell you all about it here.

I'll use stars to emphasize my favorites.

SKINNY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It's a very well-done introduction to the album. The music is very beautiful, the atmosphere is calm, and Billie Eilish's interpretation is perfect. She falls in love with a friend and feels that she is old enough to live this love, despite it being hidden. The title refers to his weight problems, the reference to her body is a constant in his work. All because she's thinner when she's in love. Who never? The end of the song with the violins is extraordinary.


LUNCH ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

OMG, the lyrics and the rhythm are incredible! I love it, she released "LUNCH" as the first single from the album, and it's a very bold and courageous choice because of the lyrics. I think she was very smart to do it now, it's a way of saying, with me, there are no speculations, because I like women, and I would like to "eat" this woman and invite her to go home. She chose to do this at just 23 years old. Her album is at the top of the charts all over the world. The lyrics speak for themselves, the production is an invitation to dance in every nightclub. I imagine people shouting these lyrics. It's divine! 



The first thing to point out here is that I was lucky enough to hear "CHIHIRO" with my headphones on because the sound is epic. The production is giant, and Billie Eilish's performance is phenomenal. There's nothing to point out, for me, it's one of the best songs on the album. The sound is intoxicating from start to finish. There is a first part and a second part in which everything is perfect, and the end is apotheosis. "CHIHIRO" is a movie she was inspired by; I've never seen it, but this song made me want to see it, for a better understanding. She released the video, but I'm going to share how I heard it the first time.



The first time I heard it was after my little death in "CHIHIRO", but it grew on me a lot. Every part of this song is very well produced. It's extraordinary! The beginning elevates us to the delicacy of the gods.

Once again, the sound invites you to dance. The lyrics are about a love that will last forever. The end is once again intoxicating.



One of the most beautiful songs on the album. She seems to be regretting having had a relationship with her ex-boyfriend because he was the ex-boyfriend of one of her friends. In the middle of this threesome, she only thought about her female friend. When she sings "Until July," it's breathtaking. It's a very well-produced ballad. You can feel the emotion in Billie Eilish's interpretation. The end is very beautiful.



It's a song with two parts that reminds me of the song "Happier Than Ever". The first part is slow and transitions into a very engaging rock sound. The allusion to her relationship is notable, highlighting the fact that she gave everything to make the relationship work, but did not receive the same in return



It's about the duplicity of relationships, one day a person is everything we wanted, and the greatest love of our lives, and the other day, when there is a breakup, this person soon moves on to a new relationship - making these words a bunch of nonsenses. She says that the supposed "Love of her life" forgot her very quickly. The question remains - if she was the love of his life, why was it so easy to forget her? The ending is again completely different from the beginning.



It's the song I like least, I don't really like the production. The theme is very interesting, she makes a satire of her "Stalkers" and turns into one. It's a very serious joke about the lives of public people.



The first part, the first time I heard it, didn't impress me, but when it changes to the second part, it's something else, and a song I didn't like became one of my favorites.


BLUE ⭐⭐⭐⭐

According to my daughter, "BLUE" was a long-awaited song by Billie Eilish fans. The surprise was everything. They were ecstatic and very happy with the revelation of this song. I really liked the production. A good way to end the album.


And we've come to the end of my reaction to Billie Eilish's new album, which is full of surprises. Her voice is delicate and very well crafted, there are moments where she shines and elevates her performance, especially in the "backing vocals". My only criticism is that it only has 10 songs, I was hoping for more. Even so, it's an album with a good chance of being the album of the year 2024. Let's see, there are so many good albums this year.

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